My Engagement Model
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Our client’s expectations guide our thinking and process. Engaging with the client is an everyday feature of our business. It is simple as a telephone call or as complex as a written submission; either way it is crucial to who we are and the quality of our business relationships.
- Information - We keep them informed.
- Consultation - Here are our Options? What do you prefer?
- Involvement - Your ideas and issues will be reflected in policy options.
- Collaboration - Within broad "best practice" guidelines, your recommendations will be included in decisions if practicable.
Some of the tools we use to better engage our clients are:
- Providing concise and evidence-based information.
- Surveys.
- Client Submissions.
- Client meetings.
- Workshops.
- Focus groups.
- Bilateral interviews - Reciprocal Feedback.
- Expert Panels or Panel of Experts. (Remember each option is different).
The Engagement Model.
- Rank and assess the issues, we prioritise our response and our Engagement.
- Seek Approval for the objective and scope of Engagement.
- Plan the details of the Engagement.
- Manage the Engagement.
- Analyse the client's contribution.
- Manage the decisions - provide 360 degree feedback to the client and our team.
- Evaluate and learn from the experience and apply these findings to the next Engagement.